A skier skies down a slope with an average speed of 50 km/s. How far does the skier travel in 5 minutes?

Please check your problem. I doubt if anyone can ski 50 kilometers per second.

Well that's the question!!!!!!

Sorry if that sounded rude!

To find the distance the skier traveled in 5 minutes, we need to convert the average speed from km/s to km/min.

1 minute = 60 seconds

To convert km/s to km/min, we need to multiply the average speed by 60 since there are 60 seconds in a minute.

50 km/s * 60 = 3000 km/min

Now we can calculate the distance traveled by multiplying the speed in km/min by the time in minutes.

3000 km/min * 5 min = 15000 km

Therefore, the skier travels 15,000 km in 5 minutes.