1. From what elements of a story can you make inferences?




all of the above

2. How do you know “Paul Revere’s Ride” is narrative poetry?

It is a poem has a setting, characters, and conflict.

It is prose that has rhyme and rhythm.

It is a poem that uses sound devices.

It is prose that has a protagonist and antagonist.

Read the following stanza from “Paul Revere’s Ride” to answer questions 3 and 4.

It was two by the village clock,
When he came to the bridge in Concord town.
He heard the bleating of the flock,
And the twitter of birds among the trees,
And felt the breath of the morning breeze
Blowing over the meadows brown.
And one was safe and asleep in his bed
Who at the bridge would be the first to fall,
Who that day would be lying dead,
Pierced by a British musket-ball.

3. What can you infer from the stanza?

Many men will be lost in the battle
that same day.

Paul Revere’s ride will save the village.

The Americans will block access to the bridge.

The town of Concord will be spared by the British.

4. What words help you understand the definition of musket-ball?

“fall” and “bridge”

“lying dead” and “Pierced”

“Pierced” and “British”

“safe” and “asleep”

5. Which of the following sentences containing an appositive phrase is punctuated correctly?

Mr. Jones, the man who lives next door to us, is taking care of our dog while we are on vacation.

Mr. Jones, the man who lives next door to us is taking care of our dog while we are on vacation.

Mr. Jones the man who lives next door to us is taking care of our dog while we are on vacation.

Mr. Jones the man who lives next door to us, is taking care of our dog while we are on vacation.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

ok plz tell me the right one if theyh are wrong.

2. b

Three of the five are wrong. Go back and study 2, 3, and 4.

i dontknow help

1. I said D


I got

1. D
2. A
3. c
4. B
5. A
please help me do I have them right?

1. D

2. A
3. A
4. B
5. A


1. From what elements of a story can you make inferences?

- The correct answer is: all of the above. Inferences can be made from characters, setting, and theme in a story. By analyzing these elements, readers can draw conclusions and make educated guesses about events or outcomes that are not explicitly stated.

2. How do you know “Paul Revere’s Ride” is narrative poetry?
- The correct answer is: It is a poem that has a setting, characters, and conflict. Narrative poetry tells a story and usually includes elements such as a plot, characters, setting, and conflict. In "Paul Revere's Ride," these elements are present, making it a narrative poem.

3. What can you infer from the stanza?
- The correct answer is: Many men will be lost in the battle that same day. In the stanza, there is a mention of someone who will be the first to fall at the bridge and someone who will be lying dead, pierced by a British musket-ball. This suggests that there will be casualties in the upcoming battle.

4. What words help you understand the definition of musket-ball?
- The correct answer is: "lying dead" and "Pierced." The words "lying dead" and "Pierced" provide context for understanding the definition of musket-ball. These words suggest that the musket-ball is a type of projectile that causes fatal injuries.

5. Which of the following sentences containing an appositive phrase is punctuated correctly?
- The correct answer is: Mr. Jones, the man who lives next door to us, is taking care of our dog while we are on vacation. In this sentence, the appositive phrase "the man who lives next door to us" is correctly set off by commas. The commas indicate that the phrase provides additional information about Mr. Jones.