how to solve this 92.5Ncm + (35cm) (x)= 575Ncm?

To solve the equation 92.5Ncm + (35cm)(x) = 575Ncm, we need to apply algebraic steps to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication
Multiply 35cm by x: 35cm * x = 35x cm

Step 2: Combine like terms
92.5Ncm + 35x cm = 575Ncm

Step 3: Move the variable terms to one side of the equation
Subtract 92.5Ncm from both sides of the equation: 92.5Ncm - 92.5Ncm +35x cm = 575Ncm - 92.5Ncm

This simplifies to: 35x cm = 482.5Ncm

Step 4: Solve for x
Divide both sides of the equation by 35cm: (35x cm) / 35cm = 482.5Ncm / 35cm

This simplifies to: x = 13.79N

Therefore, the value of x that satisfies the equation is x = 13.79N.