displays in formation in rows and columns

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To display information in rows and columns, you can use various methods depending on the context and software you are working with. Here are a few common techniques:

1. Using a Spreadsheet Program:
- Open a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers.
- Enter your data in the cells of the spreadsheet, with each row representing a separate entry and each column representing a specific attribute or category.
- Arrange the data in a table format by aligning the rows and columns.
- Apply formatting options like cell borders, font size, color, or shading to enhance readability if desired.

2. HTML and CSS:
- Create an HTML table structure using the `<table>` element.
- Within the `<table>` element, define rows using the `<tr>` (table row) tag.
- Inside the `<tr>` elements, use the `<td>` (table data) tag to create cells within each row.
- Repeat the `<tr>` and `<td>` tags for each row and column respectively, with proper content placed within the cells.
- Use CSS styling to format the table's appearance by setting properties like borders, padding, background color, and font styles.

3. Programming Languages:
- Depending on the programming language you are using, there are usually built-in data structures or libraries for displaying tabular information.
- For example, in Python, you can use modules like pandas or tabulate to represent data in a table format.
- Create an appropriate data structure (e.g., a list of lists, a dictionary of lists) to store the data in rows and columns.
- Use loops or specific functions from the chosen library to iterate through the data and output it in a formatted table.

By following these techniques, you can easily display information in rows and columns, whether it's for organizing data in a spreadsheet program, creating structured HTML tables, or programming custom solutions.