pls help me to resolve this question

A casts iron block of 5cm2 cross section carries an axial load of 50KN. Calculate the magnitude or normal and shear stresses on a plane whose normal is inclined at 30o to the axis of the block. Also determine the maximum shear stress in the block.


To resolve this question, we need to use the concepts of normal and shear stresses.

Normal stress, represented by σ, is the force acting perpendicular to the cross-sectional area of an object. It can be calculated using the formula:

σ = F / A

σ = normal stress
F = axial load
A = cross-sectional area

In this question, the axial load is given as 50 kN (kilonewtons) and the cross-sectional area is 5 cm^2.

First, let's convert the load from kN to N (newtons):
50 kN = 50,000 N (since 1 kN = 1000N)

Now, let's convert the cross-sectional area from cm^2 to m^2:
5 cm^2 = 5 × 10^(-4) m^2 (since 1 cm^2 = 1 × 10^(-4) m^2)

Substituting the values into the formula, we get:
σ = (50,000 N) / (5 × 10^(-4) m^2)

Calculating σ:
σ = 100,000,000 N/m^2

Now, let's move on to shear stress.

Shear stress, represented by τ, is the force acting tangentially to the cross-sectional area of an object. The maximum shear stress occurs on a plane whose normal is inclined at 45° to the axis of the block.

The maximum shear stress can be calculated using the formula:

τ = σ × sin(2θ)

τ = shear stress
σ = normal stress
θ = angle between the plane and the axis of the block

In this question, the normal stress (σ) has already been calculated as 100,000,000 N/m^2. The angle (θ) provided is 30°.

Substituting the values into the formula, we get:
τ = (100,000,000 N/m^2) × sin(2 × 30°)

Calculating τ:
τ = (100,000,000 N/m^2) × sin(60°)

Using the value of sin(60°) (which is √3/2), we get:
τ = (100,000,000 N/m^2) × (√3/2)

Calculating τ:
τ ≈ 86,602,540 N/m^2

Therefore, the magnitude of the normal stress on the plane inclined at 30° is 100,000,000 N/m^2, and the shear stress on the same plane is approximately 86,602,540 N/m^2.