What are some antonyms for:


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To find antonyms for a word, you can use a thesaurus or employ certain techniques to come up with contrasting words. Here are some possible antonyms for the given words:

Antonyms for "synthetic":
1. Natural: You can find this antonym by thinking of words that are related to authenticity, nature, or being unaltered.
2. Genuine: This antonym can be derived by considering words that mean real, authentic, or not artificially created.

Antonyms for "thrifty":
1. Wasteful: This antonym can be obtained by thinking of words that describe spending money or resources carelessly or excessively.
2. Extravagant: Another antonym for thrifty can be a word suggesting lavish or luxurious spending habits.

To find synonyms for a word, you can again use a thesaurus or apply specific methods to identify similar words. Here are some potential synonyms for the given words:

Synonyms for "synthetic":
1. Artificial: This synonym can be discovered by considering words that describe something made by humans and not found naturally.
2. Man-made: Another synonym for synthetic can be a term that indicates an item produced or created by human beings.

Synonyms for "thrifty":
1. Economical: This synonym can be derived by thinking of words that describe being wise or careful with money or resources.
2. Frugal: Another synonym for thrifty can be a word implying being sparing or not wasteful.

Synonyms for "somber":
1. Gloomy: This synonym can be obtained by considering words that connote a dark, dull, or melancholic atmosphere.
2. Dreary: Another synonym for somber can be a word suggesting a state of dullness, lack of brightness, or sadness.