the boiling point temperature of liquid _____when it starts boiling

The boiling point temperature of a liquid is the specific temperature at which it starts to boil and transitions from a liquid to a gas state. To determine the boiling point of a particular liquid, you can use two main methods:

1. Experimental Observation: In a laboratory setting, you can heat a sample of the liquid gradually while continuously measuring its temperature. As the temperature rises, you will notice a point at which bubbles start to form and escape from the liquid's surface. This is the boiling point temperature.

2. Reference Sources: If you don't have the means to perform a direct experiment, you can refer to reliable sources that provide boiling point information for various liquids. These references can include textbooks, scientific databases, or online resources. They provide the boiling point temperature of different substances at standard atmospheric pressure, usually measured at sea level.

It is important to note that the boiling point of a liquid can vary with changes in atmospheric pressure. At higher altitudes, where the atmospheric pressure is lower, liquids tend to boil at lower temperatures. Conversely, at higher pressures, the boiling point temperature increases.