Show how each improvement helped the Qin dynasty.

Improvement. Advantage
1. Road system
2. Canals
3. Great Wall

I'll be glad to comment on your answers.

I was asking for answers to go in the advantage column

What advantages do you think road systems and canals bring to the people? Why was the Great Wall built?

The Great Wall was built to protect the country from invasion.

Road Systems - The road systems made it easier for horses to run quickly to battles above the rocky grounds.

Canals - Canals helped the Qin Dynasty transport supplies to armies, as well as colonization of new territories.

Great Wall - The Great Wall helped defend the Qin Dynasty from other outsiders and enemies.

- Ashlyn
Foothill Middle School
6th Grade

To understand how each improvement helped the Qin dynasty, let's analyze the advantages of each improvement individually:

1. Road system:
The Qin dynasty invested heavily in building an extensive road system that spanned across their empire. This improvement had several advantages:
- Enhanced communication and transportation: The road system allowed for easy transportation of goods, resources, and information throughout the empire. This facilitated trade and commerce, which in turn led to economic growth.
- Strengthened central control: The well-connected road system improved the efficiency of the Qin government's administrative and military operations. It allowed for rapid movement of troops and officials, enabling the central authority to maintain control over distant regions.
- Unity and cultural assimilation: The road system promoted interaction and cultural exchange between different regions of the empire. It facilitated the spread of the Chinese language, culture, laws, and administrative practices, contributing to the unity of the empire under the Qin dynasty.

2. Canals:
The construction of canals during the Qin dynasty also provided several advantages:
- Efficient transportation: Canals were used for moving goods and resources more efficiently compared to land-based transportation. They connected different parts of the empire, including major rivers, which made it easier to transport goods to and from different regions.
- Agricultural development: Canals were utilized for irrigation purposes, improving agricultural productivity. By ensuring a stable water supply, canals supported increased agricultural output, leading to food surplus and economic prosperity.
- Flood control: Canals were used strategically to manage and control water levels. They helped prevent flooding during rainy seasons, protecting farmland and settlements. This reduced the risk of agricultural disruptions and the loss of life and property due to floods.

3. Great Wall:
The construction of the Great Wall of China was a massive undertaking during the Qin dynasty. It provided significant advantages:
- Defense and security: The Great Wall served as a formidable physical barrier against invaders, particularly nomadic tribes from the north. It acted as a deterrent and increased the empire's security and territorial integrity.
- Symbol of power: The Great Wall showcased the strength and military might of the Qin dynasty. It served as a visible symbol of their authority and superiority, impressing both internal subjects and external powers.
- Economic benefits: The construction of the Great Wall involved extensive labor, which provided employment opportunities for a large number of people. Additionally, the Wall's existence boosted tourism and trade in the regions surrounding it, contributing to economic development.

In summary, the road system improved communication, strengthened central control, and promoted unity; canals enhanced transportation, agricultural development, and flood control; and the Great Wall provided defense, symbolized power, and had economic benefits. Each of these improvements played a crucial role in supporting and advancing the Qin dynasty's political, economic, and military objectives.