A spring with k = 54 N/cm is initially stretched 1 cm from its equilibrium length.

(a) How much more energy is needed to further stretch the spring to 2 cm beyond its equilibrium length?
(b) From this new position, how much energy is needed to compress the spring to 2 cm shorter than its equilibrium position?

To find the energy needed to stretch or compress a spring, we can use the formula for elastic potential energy:

Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * k * x^2

where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

(a) To find the energy needed to stretch the spring to 2 cm beyond its equilibrium position, we need to calculate the elastic potential energy at that displacement.

k = 54 N/cm (spring constant)
x = 2 cm (displacement)

Converting cm to meters:
x = 2 cm = 2/100 m = 0.02 m

Substituting the values into the formula:
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * k * x^2
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * 54 N/cm * (0.02 m)^2
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * 54 N/cm * 0.0004 m^2
Elastic potential energy ≈ 0.000432 J

Therefore, approximately 0.000432 joules of energy are needed to further stretch the spring to 2 cm beyond its equilibrium length.

(b) To find the energy needed to compress the spring to 2 cm shorter than its equilibrium position, we need to calculate the elastic potential energy at that displacement.

k = 54 N/cm (spring constant)
x = -2 cm (displacement)

Converting cm to meters:
x = -2 cm = -2/100 m = -0.02 m

Substituting the values into the formula:
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * k * x^2
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * 54 N/cm * (-0.02 m)^2
Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * 54 N/cm * 0.0004 m^2
Elastic potential energy ≈ 0.000432 J

Therefore, approximately 0.000432 joules of energy are needed to compress the spring to 2 cm shorter than its equilibrium position.

To solve this problem, we need to understand the relationship between the force applied to the spring and the displacement from its equilibrium position. For a spring, this relationship is described by Hooke's Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to its displacement.

Hooke's Law equation:
F = -kx

F = Force exerted by the spring
k = Spring constant (stiffness)
x = Displacement from the equilibrium position. Positive for stretching, negative for compression.

Now, let's solve the given problems:

(a) How much more energy is needed to further stretch the spring to 2 cm beyond its equilibrium length?

To find the additional energy needed to stretch the spring further, we can use the formula for the potential energy stored in a spring:

Potential Energy (PE) = (1/2) * k * x^2

The initial displacement of the spring is 1 cm, and we need to stretch it by an additional 2 cm. Therefore, the total displacement will be 1 cm + 2 cm = 3 cm.

Let's plug in these values into the formula:

PE = (1/2) * k * (3 cm)^2

PE = (1/2) * 54 N/cm * (3 cm)^2

PE = 243 N cm

Therefore, to stretch the spring by an additional 2 cm beyond its equilibrium length, 243 N cm of energy is needed.

(b) From this new position, how much energy is needed to compress the spring to 2 cm shorter than its equilibrium position?

Now, we need to find the potential energy required to compress the spring by 2 cm from the new position. Here, we'll consider the displacement as negative (-2 cm) since it represents compression.

Using the same formula for the potential energy stored in a spring:

PE = (1/2) * k * x^2

PE = (1/2) * 54 N/cm * (-2 cm)^2

PE = 108 N cm

Therefore, to compress the spring by 2 cm shorter than its equilibrium position from the new stretched position, 108 N cm of energy is needed.

PE1 =k•x1²/2

PE2 = k•x2²/2
W = ΔPE =PE2 –PE1 =k(x2² - x1²)/2 = ….
where k =54 N/m, x1 =0.01 m,
x2 =0.01+0.02 = 0.03 m.

this compression will be done by the work of elastic force of the spring. When we release the spring which is stretched by 0.03 m, the released energy is k•(0.003)²/2 which is large than k•(0.02)²/2.

I'm still a little confused. When I use the equation:

W = k(x2^2 - x1^2)/2, I get 0.0216 J. This doesn't seem correct.