the north european plain is rich in:

a. coal, oil, copper, and petroleum
b. coal and oil
c. agricultural lands and petroleum deposits
d. agricultral lands, iron ore, and coal


The correct answer is c. agricultural lands and petroleum deposits.

To determine which option is correct, we can analyze the characteristics of the North European Plain and its resources. The North European Plain is a vast and fertile region that stretches across several countries in Europe, including Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, and parts of Russia. It is a significant agricultural area, known for its productive soil and favorable climate. Additionally, the North European Plain hosts various natural resources.

Coal is indeed present in this region, making option B a possibility. The area has significant coal deposits, particularly in Germany and Poland. Coal has historically been an essential resource for energy and industrial purposes in the region.

However, oil is not a significant natural resource found in the North European Plain. While some oil reserves exist, they are not as abundant as coal deposits. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

Petroleum is not commonly associated with the North European Plain. Petroleum refers to crude oil, and although there are oil refineries and pipelines in the region, the significant oil reserves are typically found in other parts of the world. Therefore, option C is also incorrect.

Iron ore, another valuable resource, is not mentioned in any of the options provided. Although there may be pockets of iron ore in some areas, it is not a defining characteristic or dominant resource of the North European Plain. Hence, option D is incorrect as well.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer would be option B: coal and oil. The North European Plain is rich in coal deposits, while there are minor oil reserves in the region.