
You want to combine terms?

7x + 3

X equal to 3 over 7

To simplify the expression -2x + 7 + 9x - 4, you can combine like terms.

Like terms are terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. In this expression, the like terms are -2x and 9x. The constants 7 and -4 are also like terms.

Combining the like terms, we have:
-2x + 9x + 7 - 4

To combine the x terms, we add their coefficients:
(-2 + 9)x + 7 - 4

Simplifying the x terms, we get:
7x + 7 - 4

Combining the constants, we have:
7x + 3

So, the simplified expression is 7x + 3.