5/wx² + 2/w²x

That can also be written

[1/(wx)]*[(5/x) + (2/w)]

That doesn't look any simpler.

Just what is your question?

Tx=2x+1 , xw=x+7 ;tw

To simplify the expression 5/wx² + 2/w²x, we can start by finding a common denominator.

The denominators in this expression are wx² and w²x. The least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators is w²x². Let's rewrite the expression with the common denominator:

(5 * (w * x) / (w * x)²) + (2 * (w² * x) / (w² * x)²)

Now, we can combine the numerators:

(5wx + 2w²x) / (w²x²)

Finally, we have simplified the expression to:

(5wx + 2w²x) / (w²x²)