I have somemultiple choice questions that I need help with.

Question 1
Find the measure of <AEB for m<BEC = 127°
These are my options:

Question 2
Name the alternate interior angle to <7:
These are the options:
<1, <2, <6, <4

Question 3
If m<4 = 21, what is m<6?
21degrees, 10.5degrees, 159degrees, 339degrees

Question 4
I have to name the quadrilaterals that have the given property of four 90° angles:

Options are:
a. rectangle, square
b. parallelogram
c. rhombus, square
d. rhombus
Thank you so much for any body who can explain and help me with these. I need to know so how to do them. Thanks again

#1 53degree

Question 1:

To find the measure of angle AEB, we need to use the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Angle BEC is given as 127 degrees. Since angle AEB is opposite angle BEC in triangle AEB, they must be equal. Therefore, the measure of angle AEB is also 127 degrees.

Answer: 127°

Question 2:
To find the alternate interior angle to angle 7, we need to identify the pair of parallel lines. From the given options, it is best to refer to a diagram or context to determine which angles are alternate interior angles. Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the alternate interior angle.

Answer: Unknown without additional information.

Question 3:
Angle 6 and angle 4 are vertical angles, meaning they are opposite angles formed by intersecting lines. If angle 4 is given as 21 degrees, then angle 6 must also be 21 degrees. Vertical angles are always congruent (equal in measure).

Answer: 21 degrees

Question 4:
A quadrilateral with four 90-degree angles is a rectangle. Since rectangles have all interior angles equal to 90 degrees, they meet the given criteria. Additionally, a square also has four 90-degree angles, making option a (rectangle, square) valid as well.

Answer: a. rectangle, square