How many grams of ibuprofen contain

7.1x10^25 atoms of C? Ibuprofen is C13H18O2. Molar Mass is 206. The answer is=1870 grams. How do I calculate this to get this answer? Please help!

7.1E25/6.02E23 = ? mols C atoms

?mols C atoms x (1 mol IBu/13 C atoms) x (206 g/mol) = ? and round. I would round to 1900 (1870 has four s.f. in it and you're allowed only 2 from the 7.1).

How many grams are in 7.25×1025 atoms of AgCl?

To calculate the number of grams of ibuprofen that contain a specific number of atoms of carbon (C), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of moles of carbon atoms (C) using Avogadro's number.
The Avogadro's number is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol.

Given: Number of C atoms = 7.1 x 10^25 atoms
Number of moles of C atoms = (7.1 x 10^25 atoms) / (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol)

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of ibuprofen using the molar mass.
The molar mass of ibuprofen (C13H18O2) is given as 206 g/mol.

Number of moles of ibuprofen = Number of moles of C atoms / (13 moles of C / 1 mole of ibuprofen)

Step 3: Convert the number of moles of ibuprofen to grams.

Number of grams of ibuprofen = Number of moles of ibuprofen x Molar mass of ibuprofen

Now, let's calculate the answer using the given information:

Step 1: Number of moles of C atoms
Number of moles of C atoms = (7.1 x 10^25 atoms) / (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol)
≈ 117.88 moles

Step 2: Number of moles of ibuprofen
Number of moles of ibuprofen = 117.88 moles / (13 moles of C / 1 mole of ibuprofen)
≈ 9.06 moles

Step 3: Number of grams of ibuprofen
Number of grams of ibuprofen = 9.06 moles x 206 g/mol
≈ 1870 grams

Therefore, the answer is approximately 1870 grams.