An important problem in mathematics is that of root finding: that is, given a function f (x), finding any roots of f in an interval. Exact methods exist for many functions:

• In the case of a linear function f (x) = ax + b, this is easy.
– If a ≠ 0, then x = −b /a.
– If a = 0, then there is no solution unless b = 0, in which case any real number is a solution.
• In the case of a quadratic function f (x) = ax^2+ b x +c, this is relatively easy.
– If a ≠ 0, then x = (-b±√(b^2-4ac))/2a
– If a = 0, then you are really in the case of a line.
Write a brief description of Newton’s method that should explain the concept to someone who knows pre-calculus, but not Calculus.

Draw a tangent to the graph of the function, see where it hits the x axis.

Then draw a new tangent to the function at the x you just found. Continue until your function is close to zero.

Newton's method is a root-finding algorithm that uses the concept of slopes to approximate the roots of a function. Imagine you have a function f(x), and you want to find one of its roots in a given interval.

To start, let's consider a graphical representation of the function. The slope of a function at any given point is essentially the steepness of the function at that point. Newton's method utilizes this slope information to better approximate the location of the root.

Here's how Newton's method works without going into the calculus details:

1. Choose an initial guess x₀ within the interval you want to search. This can be any number within the interval, but it's often helpful to start with a reasonable estimate.

2. Evaluate the function f(x₀) at the initial guess. This will give you the value of the function at that point.

3. Calculate the slope of the function at x₀. This can be done by drawing a small tangent line to the curve at x₀ and finding its slope.

4. Use the slope information to estimate a new guess x₁ for the root. The new guess is calculated as x₁ = x₀ - (f(x₀) / slope).

5. Repeat steps 2-4 using the new guess x₁. Evaluate the function, calculate the slope, and find a new guess.

6. Continue this process of iteratively refining the guess by evaluating the function, calculating the slope, and updating the guess until you reach a satisfactory approximation of the root. The approximation becomes more accurate with each iteration.

Newton's method is effective because it utilizes both the value and slope of the function at a given point. This allows for a more refined guess with each iteration, converging towards the actual root.

It's important to note that the process of calculating the slope involves using calculus concepts such as derivatives. However, understanding these details is not necessary to grasp the general idea of Newton's method.