Equation: y=mx+b

If m= slope
b= y-intercept
what is x and y???
I doubt I worded this in a way that makes sense but I need help.

x and y are the x and y point on the graph

lets say they gave you the point (2,y) 2 would be x, and they want you to find what number y is

all you do is plug 2 in for x in that equation and solve for y

In the equation y = mx + b, the variables x and y represent the coordinates on a graph.

- The variable x typically represents the horizontal axis and is the input or independent variable. It represents any given value along the horizontal axis of the graph.
- The variable y typically represents the vertical axis and is the output or dependent variable. It represents the value that is determined based on the given x value.

To clarify, let's take an example. Suppose we have the equation y = 2x + 3.

If we want to find specific values for x and y, we can choose any value for x and then substitute it into the equation to calculate the corresponding value of y. For instance, if we choose x = 2, we can substitute it into the equation:

y = 2(2) + 3
y = 4 + 3
y = 7

So, when x = 2, y = 7. This means that the point (2, 7) lies on the graph of the equation y = 2x + 3. In this case, x = 2 is the input or horizontal coordinate, and y = 7 is the output or vertical coordinate.

By choosing different values for x and substituting them into the equation, you can find multiple points on the graph, which will help you sketch the line represented by the equation.