A baseball player reaches base 35% of the time. How many times can he expect to reach base in 850 at-bats?

0.35 * 850 = ?

(35%/100%) times (x/850)

cross multiply

29750 = 100x

divide by 100

x= 297.5

x is the number times he will reach base

To calculate how many times the baseball player can expect to reach base in 850 at-bats, we can multiply the number of at-bats by the player's success rate.

Step 1: Calculate the expected number of times the player reaches base in a single at-bat.
The player reaches base 35% of the time, which translates to a success rate of 0.35.

Expected number of successes in a single at-bat = Success rate * Number of at-bats
Expected number of successes in a single at-bat = 0.35 * 1 = 0.35

Step 2: Multiply the expected number of successes in a single at-bat by the total number of at-bats.

Expected number of times reaching base = Expected number of successes in a single at-bat * Number of at-bats
Expected number of times reaching base = 0.35 * 850 = 297.5

Therefore, the baseball player can be expected to reach base approximately 297 times in 850 at-bats.

To find out how many times the baseball player can expect to reach base in 850 at-bats, we can multiply the batting average (35% or 0.35) by the number of at-bats (850).

The calculation is: 0.35 x 850 = 297.5

Therefore, the baseball player can expect to reach base approximately 297.5 times in 850 at-bats. Since you can't have half a reach, we can round up to 298 times.