Can you please check these sentences on Jonathan Swift's life? Thank you, Writeacher.

1) Swift was born in Ireland of English parents. He was also educated there and he became a priest.
2) He left Dublin for England in 1689 to reside (stay at?) at the household of William Temple, one of the foremost statesmen of the day. (I wanted to rephrase this sentence):
3) He stayed with him for ten years, during which he attended Temple's circle of learned and powerful friends.
4) He became one of the most influential writers of the Augustan Age.
5) He wrote satirical works against political corruption, and especially against the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole.
6) He spent the last part of his life in Ireland where he became a sort of national hero because of his pamphelts in favour of the Irish.
He spent his final years in lethargy because of an illness that caused the loss of his mental powers.

Sure, I'd be happy to check those sentences for you. Here's a revised version of each sentence:

1) Swift, born in Ireland to English parents, received his education there and later became a priest.
Explanation: This sentence provides a concise summary of Swift's background, mentioning his birth in Ireland to English parents, his education in Ireland, and his eventual profession as a priest.

2) In 1689, Swift left Dublin and went to reside in England at the household of William Temple, a prominent statesman of the time.
Explanation: This rephrased sentence clarifies that Swift relocated from Dublin to England and aimed to stay with William Temple, a respected and influential political figure of that period.

3) Swift remained with Temple for a decade, during which he had the opportunity to engage with Temple's circle of scholarly and influential acquaintances.
Explanation: This sentence highlights Swift's tenure with Temple, emphasizing that he spent ten years in the company of Temple and was exposed to Temple's network of learned and powerful friends.

4) Swift emerged as one of the most influential writers during the Augustan Age.
Explanation: This sentence underscores Swift's significance as a writer during the Augustan Age, suggesting that his literary contributions carried great weight during that historical period.

5) Swift authored satirical works targeting political corruption, particularly focusing on Sir Robert Walpole, the Prime Minister at the time.
Explanation: This statement acknowledges Swift's satirical style of writing, specifying that his works often critiqued political corruption and specifically targeted the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole.

6) In the later part of his life, Swift lived in Ireland where he gained recognition as a national hero due to his pamphlets supporting the Irish cause. However, he spent his final years in a state of lethargy due to an illness that rendered him mentally incapacitated.
Explanation: This final sentence provides a summary of Swift's later life, mentioning his residence in Ireland and his status as a revered figure for his pamphlets in support of the Irish. Additionally, it highlights his declining mental health in his final years.