Which transformation moves the figure from position A to position B? then it shows a picture of a heart like one that's facing u and the other one is sideways. is the answer a-rotation, b-reflection, c translation d-rotation and translation, i think its d also what does translation mean?

To determine which transformation moves the figure from position A to position B, we need to understand the different types of transformations and their effects on a figure.

a) Rotation: This transformation involves rotating the figure around a fixed point. It changes the orientation of the figure but does not change its shape.

b) Reflection: This transformation involves flipping the figure over a line, creating a mirror image. It changes the orientation of the figure but does not change its shape.

c) Translation: This transformation involves sliding the figure in a specific direction, without rotating or flipping it. It changes the position of the figure but does not change its shape or orientation.

d) Rotation and translation: This transformation involves both rotating and translating the figure. It changes the position, orientation, and potentially the shape of the figure.

Looking at the given picture and information, we can determine that the correct answer is c) translation. This is because the heart image is simply shifted sideways (or horizontally), without any rotation or reflection.

Translation, as mentioned earlier, refers to the movement of a figure in a specific direction without changing its shape or orientation. In this case, it means the heart image has been moved horizontally from its initial position to the new position.

So, the transformation that moves the figure from position A to position B is a translation.

This website is horrible!!! This is like a place where people can cheat,.. Learn by yourself! I know this is EXTREMELY late, but figure it out! Your parents will be mad to see what you posted to finish your homework!!!