Complete in Metric Conversions:

Estimate the cost ($) of the concrete required to construct a concrete sidewalk shaped as shown on the board. The required depth of the concrete in the sidewalk is 4 inches and the concrete costs $105/cubic yard.

To estimate the cost of the concrete required for the sidewalk, we need to calculate the volume of concrete needed in cubic yards.

1. Begin by determining the dimensions of the sidewalk. If the shape is shown on the board, carefully measure the length and width of the sidewalk in feet.

2. Next, convert the measurements from feet to yards since the cost of concrete is given in dollars per cubic yard. To convert feet to yards, divide the measurements by 3 since there are 3 feet in a yard.

3. Multiply the length, width, and depth of the sidewalk in yards to calculate the volume of concrete needed. The result will be in cubic yards.

4. The final step is to multiply the volume of concrete required by the cost per cubic yard ($105) to find the estimated cost of the concrete for the sidewalk.

Note: Make sure to round the final cost to the nearest dollar for accuracy.