Which type of graph is best suited for displaying the number of hours spent studying by students in different age ranges?

I'd use a bar graph.

Bar graph.

stem and leaf plot

The type of graph best suited for displaying the number of hours spent studying by students in different age ranges is a bar graph. A bar graph consists of rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values they represent. Each age range can be represented by a separate bar, with the height of the bar indicating the number of hours spent studying. This allows for easy comparison between the different age ranges and provides a clear visual representation of the data.

To create a bar graph to display the hours spent studying by students in different age ranges, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather the data: Collect the number of hours spent studying for each age range. Assign each age range a category, such as "11-14 years," "15-18 years," and so on.

2. Determine the scale: Decide on the range for the vertical axis of the graph, which represents the number of hours studied. Ensure that the scale is appropriate to accommodate the highest number of hours studied in the dataset.

3. Create the axes: Draw a horizontal axis (x-axis) to represent the age ranges and a vertical axis (y-axis) to represent the number of hours spent studying.

4. Plot the bars: For each age range, draw a rectangular bar starting from the x-axis and extending to the appropriate height on the y-axis, representing the number of hours spent studying.

5. Label the axes: Clearly label the x-axis with the age ranges and the y-axis with the units (e.g., "hours"). Add a title to the graph to indicate the topic or purpose of the graph.

6. Add additional details: Consider adding color or patterns to the bars to make the graph more visually appealing and easy to interpret. You can also include a legend if necessary.

7. Review and analyze: Double-check the graph to ensure accuracy and clarity. Analyze the data by comparing the heights of the bars for each age range to identify patterns or trends in studying habits across different age groups.

By following these steps, you can create a bar graph that effectively displays the number of hours spent studying by students in different age ranges.