I have to do a math project using probability. I thought I might use Go Fish cards but I am not what kind of questions to ask can you help please?

Of course, I can help you come up with some probability questions using Go Fish cards for your math project! Probability is all about determining the likelihood of events happening. Here are a few examples:

1. What is the probability of drawing a pair of matching cards (e.g., two 2s or two Queens) from a shuffled deck of Go Fish cards?
To solve this, you would need to know the total number of cards in the deck and the number of pairs in the deck. Divide the number of pairs by the total number of cards to find the probability.

2. Suppose you draw two cards from a shuffled deck of Go Fish cards. What is the probability that both cards are red?
To solve this, you would need to count the number of red cards in the deck and divide it by the total number of cards. Then multiply the result by the probability of drawing a red card for the second draw (since the first card is not replaced).

3. What is the probability of drawing at least one face card (King, Queen, or Jack) from a random Go Fish deck?
To solve this, count the number of face cards in the deck, divide it by the total number of cards, and subtract this result from 1. The complement rule (1 - probability of the event not happening) can be used to find the probability of at least one face card.

4. If you draw three cards from a deck of Go Fish cards, what is the probability that all three cards are of different ranks?
To solve this, calculate the probability of getting a card with a different rank on each draw. For the first draw, there are no restrictions, so the probability is 1. After that, each subsequent draw will have a slightly lower probability, as there will be one less rank available.

Remember, for all these questions, it's essential to know the total number of cards in the deck and the number of specific cards (e.g., pairs, red cards, face cards) to determine the probabilities accurately. Good luck with your math project!