Determine whether the definition below is connotative or denotative.

gray: a cold, gloomy day
A. connotative

B. denotative



relevant: bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent

To determine if the definition provided is connotative or denotative, we need to understand the difference between these two concepts.

Denotative meaning refers to the literal, dictionary definition of a word. It represents the objective and factual meaning of a word, devoid of any personal or emotional associations.

Connotative meaning, on the other hand, involves the subjective, emotional, or cultural associations that people have with a word. It can vary from person to person and may include personal experiences, cultural influences, or emotional connections.

Now, let's analyze the definition given: "gray: a cold, gloomy day."

In this case, the definition seems to be conveying the emotional and atmospheric qualities associated with the color gray. The terms "cold" and "gloomy" indicate negative emotions and an atmosphere that might not be objectively linked to the literal definition of the color gray.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the given definition is connotative since it includes emotional and atmospheric associations beyond the objective definition of the color gray. Therefore, the answer would be:

A. connotative.