The sticker price of car is $15,800. If the sales tax is 8% what is the total cost? Show working

15,800 * 1.08 = ?

To calculate the total cost of the car, we need to add the sales tax to the sticker price.

Step 1: Calculate the sales tax amount.
Sales Tax Amount = Sticker Price * Sales Tax Rate
Sales Tax Amount = $15,800 * 8/100
Sales Tax Amount = $1,264

Step 2: Add the sales tax amount to the sticker price to get the total cost.
Total Cost = Sticker Price + Sales Tax Amount
Total Cost = $15,800 + $1,264
Total Cost = $17,064

Therefore, the total cost of the car with an 8% sales tax is $17,064.

To calculate the total cost of the car including sales tax, you need to add the sales tax amount to the sticker price.

Step 1: Calculate the sales tax amount:
Sales Tax = Sticker Price * (Sales Tax Rate/100)
Sales Tax = $15,800 * (8/100)
Sales Tax = $1,264

Step 2: Add the sales tax amount to the sticker price:
Total Cost = Sticker Price + Sales Tax
Total Cost = $15,800 + $1,264
Total Cost = $17,064

Therefore, the total cost of the car, including sales tax, is $17,064.