U1 = -4

What would be the first five terms of this sequence?

Please help me FAST!!!

U1 = -4. The first five terms are;

U1 = -4
U2 = -3
U3 = -2
U4 = -1
U5 = 0

To find the first five terms of the given sequence, we need to determine the pattern or rule that generates the terms.

In this case, we are given the first term U1 = -4. It is essential to know if there is a specific rule or pattern for generating subsequent terms. Without any additional information, we can assume that the sequence has a common difference, meaning that there is a consistent numerical change between each term.

To determine the common difference, we need at least two terms. Since we only have one term, we cannot identify the precise pattern or rule. However, we can proceed by making an assumption. Let's assume that the common difference is 1.

Using this assumption, we can generate the first five terms of the sequence by adding 1 to each term.

U1 = -4
U2 = U1 + 1 = -4 + 1 = -3
U3 = U2 + 1 = -3 + 1 = -2
U4 = U3 + 1 = -2 + 1 = -1
U5 = U4 + 1 = -1 + 1 = 0

Therefore, the first five terms of the sequence, assuming a common difference of 1, would be -4, -3, -2, -1, and 0.