it costs $175 to rent a jet ski for 2 hours. it costs $300 to rent a jet ski for 4 hours. write an equation that represents y (in dollars) of renting a jet ski for x hours.


To write an equation that represents the cost of renting a jet ski for a given number of hours, we can use the concept of rate or price per hour.

Let's first find the rate per hour for each rental period:

For the rental of 2 hours, we have a cost of $175. So, the rate per hour would be $175 divided by 2 hours, which is $87.50 per hour.

For the rental of 4 hours, we have a cost of $300. Therefore, the rate per hour would be $300 divided by 4 hours, which is $75 per hour.

Now, we can use these rates to write an equation representing the cost (y) of renting a jet ski for x hours:

If x is the number of hours and y is the cost in dollars, the equation would be:

For x ≤ 2:
y = 87.50x

For 2 < x ≤ 4:
y = 75x

It's important to note that these rates only apply within the specified time ranges. For instance, if someone rented the jet ski for 1 hour, the equation y = 87.50x would still be used. However, if someone rented the jet ski for 3 hours, the equation y = 75x would be used instead.