mrsdryson is divding her collection of 52 glass bears into equal groups. she has 1 bear left over. how many did mrs.dryson make

How many what? Groups?

52-1 = 51

3 * 17 = 51

So it can be either 3 groups of 17 or 17 groups of 3.

A family is going on a trip for 3 days. The total cost for the hotel is & 336. One hundred dollars a day was budgeted for food. How much will each day of the trip cost?

To find out how many equal groups Mrs. Dryson made, we can calculate the number of bears in each group.

52 glass bears were divided into equal groups, with 1 bear left over.

To distribute these bears equally, we need to divide 52 by the number of bears in each group.

Let's assume Mrs. Dryson made x equal groups.

To determine the number of bears in each group, we divide 52 by x:

52 ÷ x = y

However, we know that she had 1 bear left over, so there must be one more group than the value of y.

So, the equation becomes:

52 ÷ x = y + 1

Now, we can try different values of x to see if any of them satisfy the equation:

If x = 2, then y = (52 ÷ 2) = 26. This doesn't work because there would be no bears left over.
If x = 3, then y = (52 ÷ 3) = 17.33. This also doesn't work because we can't have a fraction of a bear.

Finally, if x = 4, then y = (52 ÷ 4) = 13. This satisfies our conditions because there are 13 bears in each group, and 52 ÷ 13 = 4, with 1 bear left over.

Therefore, Mrs. Dryson made 4 equal groups of glass bears, with 13 bears in each group.

To find out how many groups Mrs. Dryson made, we need to divide the total number of bears by the number of bears in each group.

In this case, Mrs. Dryson has 52 glass bears and has 1 bear left over. This means that the number of bears in each group divides evenly into 52, leaving 1 bear as a remainder.

To determine how many bears are in each group, we subtract the remaining bear from the total number of bears:

52 - 1 = 51 bears in groups

Therefore, Mrs. Dryson made 51 groups of equal size from her collection of 52 glass bears.