is skinny jeans masculine femine or neuter

generally feminine, sometimes used as plural

thought id say that skinny as in skinny jeans would be "schlampe jeans"

Determining whether skinny jeans are considered masculine, feminine, or neutral is subjective and can vary depending on cultural and individual perspectives. However, skinny jeans were initially popularized as women's fashion, making them more traditionally associated with femininity. But fashion is constantly evolving, and societal norms are shifting, allowing for more freedom of expression in clothing choices.

To get a better understanding of how skinny jeans are currently perceived, you can take several approaches:

1. Research fashion trends: Look for articles, blogs, or fashion magazines that discuss current trends in men's and women's fashion. This can give you insights into the popularity and acceptance of skinny jeans among different genders.

2. Social media: Explore platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, which often reflect current fashion trends. Follow influencers or search relevant hashtags to see how people of different genders style and wear skinny jeans, and read comments to gauge public opinion.

3. Observational analysis: Observe the fashion choices of people around you, both in real life and in media. Notice how skinny jeans are worn by individuals of different genders, and consider the cultural context of where you are and the communities you interact with.

Ultimately, fashion is personal, and one's style may not conform to societal expectations. It's important to remember that there are no strict rules dictating which genders can wear certain styles of clothing. Everyone should feel free to express themselves through fashion in whichever way brings them joy and comfort.