
just look up sin 42° = .669

.669 = 165/x

x = 165/.669 = 247

To solve the equation sin42 = 165/x, we need to isolate x.

Step 1: Cross-multiply the equation. Multiply both sides of the equation by x to eliminate the denominator.

x * sin42 = 165

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by sin42 to solve for x.

x = 165 / sin42

Now, we need to use a scientific calculator to find the value of sin42.

1. Make sure your calculator is set to degrees mode.
2. Enter 42.
3. Press the sin button (usually represented as "sin" or "sin-1").

The calculator will display the value of sin42. Let's assume the value is 0.67 (rounded to two decimal places).

Now we can substitute the value of sin42 into the equation:

x = 165 / 0.67

Using a calculator, divide 165 by 0.67: x ≈ 246.27 (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, the approximate value of x is 246.27.