Magic according to Malinowski in ( cited in “Baseball Magic

“) occurs in response to :
d)social pressure
e)none of the above

B) Frustration

According to Malinowski (cited in "Baseball Magic"), magic occurs in response to none of the above options provided.

To determine the correct answer, we need to refer to Malinowski's perspective on magic as explained in "Baseball Magic". Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by searching for the book or article titled "Baseball Magic" by George Gmelch. This will help you access Malinowski's perspective on magic as mentioned in the text.

2. Once you have found the relevant source, look for the section or chapters that specifically discuss Malinowski's ideas. It's important to read and understand his viewpoint on magic.

3. In the relevant sections, pay attention to any mentions of the triggers or motivations behind the practice of magic according to Malinowski. Look for references to anger, frustration, anxiety, or social pressure.

4. Based on the information provided and Malinowski's perspective, determine if any of the options a) anger, b) frustration, c) anxiety, and d) social pressure are mentioned as triggers for magic. If any of these options are mentioned, select the appropriate answer accordingly. If none of the options are mentioned, then select e) none of the above.

Remember, it is crucial to carefully read and understand Malinowski's viewpoint to accurately answer this question.