A project exists outside of the standard line organization.

its false

what is wrong with it

sorry i don't have a book,its expensive,we are poor

and i cant find any on the net


and this please

The classic triple constraint standard for project performance is composed of time, cost, and client acceptance.

its also false

I have no idea.

Don't public schools provide free text books?

If you're in college, scholarships and loans should provide enough money for textbooks. You can't learn this information without a standard text.

thank you

It seems like you are stating a false statement that a project exists outside of the standard line organization. If you are looking for information or clarification on why this statement is false, I can help explain.

In a standard line organization, projects typically exist within the organizational hierarchy and follow a specific structure of reporting and authority. Projects are managed by project managers who work alongside the line managers responsible for the day-to-day operations.

The statement contradicts this normal structure by suggesting that a project exists outside of this standard line organization. However, since you mentioned that you don't have access to a book or the internet to confirm why this statement is false, I can still provide some insights without any external sources.

First, a project operates within an organization and is influenced by organizational processes, policies, and resources. Projects are designed to achieve specific objectives and are usually temporary in nature. They are created to address a specific need or opportunity, utilizing the organization's resources and aligned with its goals.

By suggesting that a project exists outside of the standard line organization, it disregards the established structure and processes in place within an organization. This would make it difficult for the project to obtain the necessary resources, support, and alignment with the overall organizational strategy.

In conclusion, the statement that a project exists outside of the standard line organization is false because projects are typically integrated into the organizational structure to effectively manage them and align their objectives with the organization's goals.