Help Please! I need to know if this the correct answer.

I said the answer is C

Which approach would explain that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and the hypochondriac's "sickness behavior" is reinforced by sympathy and attention?

a. existential

b. behavioral

c. cognitive

d. humanistic

You are looking for external reinforcers, which would be behavioral.

To determine if your answer is correct, we can analyze each approach and see which one aligns with the explanation provided.

a. Existential approach: The existential approach focuses on the individual's essence, meaning, and personal experiences. It does not directly address the acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning or the reinforcement of hypochondriac behavior.

b. Behavioral approach: The behavioral approach emphasizes behavior learned through conditioning, such as classical conditioning. It suggests that phobias can be acquired through classical conditioning, which supports the first part of the explanation. However, it does not directly address the reinforcement of hypochondriac behavior by sympathy and attention.

c. Cognitive approach: The cognitive approach explores how thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions influence behavior and emotions. It considers individuals as active participants in their own experiences. In this case, the cognitive approach does not directly address the acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning or the reinforcement of hypochondriac behavior by sympathy and attention.

d. Humanistic approach: The humanistic approach emphasizes personal growth, self-actualization, and the human potential for change. It does not directly address the acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning or the reinforcement of hypochondriac behavior.

Considering the given options, the answer that best aligns with the explanation is b. behavioral. This approach acknowledges the acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning, which is a behavioral learning process, and highlights the reinforcement of hypochondriac behavior through sympathy and attention.

Therefore, based on this analysis, your answer of C is not correct, and the correct answer is B (behavioral).