what is the measure of the sum of the exterior angles of an n-gon?

If you go all the way around you go 360 degrees :)

As a matter of fact if you go all the way around anything you end up pointed the same way you started, even if it is curved or indented or whatever. So the answer in the end is always 360 degrees.

I should add you go total 360 degrees of right turns if clockwise and 360 degrees total left turns if counterclockwise.

To find the measure of the sum of the exterior angles of an n-gon, you need to know a formula. The formula is:

Sum of exterior angles = 360 degrees

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon, including an n-gon, is always equal to 360 degrees. This means that no matter how many sides the polygon has, the sum of the measures of its exterior angles will always add up to 360 degrees.