If X = 2 inches, Y = 4 inches, and Z = 4 inches, what is the surface area of the box?

2 (2 * 4) = 4 * 8 = 16 sq. in

2 (4 * 4) = 32 sq. in.

2 (2 * 4) = 4 * 8 = 16 sq. in

32 + 16 + 16 = ? sq. in.

To find the surface area of a box, you need to calculate the area of each of its six sides and then add them together.

A box has three pairs of sides, and each pair has the same area. The pairs are as follows:
1. Top and bottom: The top and bottom sides are both rectangles with dimensions X (2 inches) by Y (4 inches). The area of each side is X * Y.
2. Left and right: The left and right sides are both rectangles with dimensions Y (4 inches) by Z (4 inches). The area of each side is Y * Z.
3. Front and back: The front and back sides are both rectangles with dimensions X (2 inches) by Z (4 inches). The area of each side is X * Z.

Now, let's calculate the area of each side:
1. Top and bottom: X * Y = 2 inches * 4 inches = 8 square inches.
2. Left and right: Y * Z = 4 inches * 4 inches = 16 square inches.
3. Front and back: X * Z = 2 inches * 4 inches = 8 square inches.

Finally, add all the areas together:
Top and bottom + left and right + front and back = (8 square inches) + (16 square inches) + (8 square inches) = 32 square inches.

Therefore, the surface area of the box is 32 square inches.