x+5/6 = 3x-5/8

Solve for x

woi seriously man

2x = 20/24 + 15/24 = 35/24

x = 35/48


what is the value of y for the line that has a slope of -3/2 and passes through the points (3;5) (7:y)

To solve the equation x + 5/6 = 3x - 5/8 for x, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine like terms
First, let's combine the x terms on the right side of the equation. To do this, we subtract x from both sides:

x - x + 5/6 = 3x - x - 5/8

Simplifying, we have:

5/6 = 2x - 5/8

Step 2: Get rid of the fractions
To simplify the equation further, we need to get rid of the fractions. We can do this by finding a common denominator for the fractions on both sides of the equation. The common denominator for 6 and 8 is 24.

Let's multiply both sides of the equation by 24 to eliminate the fractions:

(24)(5/6) = (24)(2x - 5/8)

On the left side, 24 and 6 have a common factor of 6, so we can simplify:

(4)(5) = (24)(2x - 5/8)

Simplifying further:

20 = 24(2x - 5/8)

Step 3: Distribute the 24 to both terms inside the parentheses:

20 = 48x - 24(5/8)

20 = 48x - 15

Step 4: Combine like terms:

20 + 15 = 48x

35 = 48x

Step 5: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 48:

35/48 = x

So the solution to the equation x + 5/6 = 3x - 5/8 is x = 35/48.