when solving using multiplication principle -13x=273 how do i solve plus perform check


Divide both sides of the equation by 13.

A performance check can be made by substituting the numerical value for x.

- 13 x = 273 Divide both sides with - 13

x = 273 / - 13

x = - 21

To solve the equation -13x = 273 using the multiplication principle, you need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation. Here are the steps to solve this equation:

Step 1: Start with the given equation: -13x = 273.

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by -13 to isolate the variable x. When you divide both sides by a negative number, remember to flip the inequality sign. So, divide both sides by -13:

-13x / -13 = 273 / -13,

x = -273 / 13.

Simplifying the expression on the right:

x = -21

Therefore, the solution to the equation -13x = 273 is x = -21.

To perform a check, substitute the found value of x back into the original equation and see if it satisfies the equation:

-13(-21) = 273,

273 = 273.

Since both sides are equal, the value of x = -21 is the correct solution, and the check is successful.