If 3 us an element of A and 3 is not an element of B, then which of the following is NOT true

3 is an element of B complement
3 is an element of A union B
3 is an element of A intersect B

3 is in B complement (regardless of whether 3 is in A)

To determine which statement is NOT true, we need to consider the definitions of the operations involved.

1. B complement: The complement of a set B contains all elements that are not in B. In this case, 3 is not an element of B. Therefore, 3 is an element of B complement. So, this statement is TRUE.

2. A union B: The union of sets A and B contains all elements that are in A or in B or in both. Since 3 is an element of A, it could be an element of A union B. So, this statement is TRUE.

3. A intersect B: The intersection of sets A and B contains all elements that are both in A and in B. Since 3 is an element of A and not an element of B, it cannot be an element of A intersect B. So, this statement is FALSE.

Therefore, the statement "3 is an element of A intersect B" is the one that is NOT true.