list all the possible rational zeros for the polynomial below. find all the zeros of the polynomialbelow and factor completely.


possible rational roots will have numerator 1,2,4,8,16 (or negatives)

denominator 1 or 5 (or negatives)

A little synthetic division reveals thet

F(x) = (x+1)^3 * (5x -16)

To find the possible rational zeros of a polynomial, you can use the Rational Root Theorem. According to this theorem, the possible rational zeros of a polynomial are all the divisors of the constant term divided by all the divisors of the leading coefficient.

In the case of the polynomial F(x) = 5x^4 - x^3 - 33x^2 - 43x - 16, the constant term is -16 and the leading coefficient is 5. Let's find all the divisors of -16 and 5.

The factors of -16 are: ±1, ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16.
The factors of 5 are: ±1, ±5.

Now, let's divide all the combinations of the factors to find the possible rational zeros:
±(1/1), ±(1/5), ±(2/1), ±(2/5), ±(4/1), ±(4/5), ±(8/1), ±(8/5), ±(16/1), ±(16/5).

Simplifying these fractions will give you the possible rational zeros:
±1, ±1/5, ±2, ±2/5, ±4, ±4/5, ±8, ±8/5, ±16, ±16/5.

To find the actual zeros of the polynomial, you can use methods such as synthetic division or a graphing calculator. Dividing the polynomial by these possible rational zeros, you can determine which ones are actual zeros. Once you find the zeros, you can factor the polynomial completely by writing it as a product of its linear factors.

Note: Given the complexity of the polynomial F(x) = 5x^4 - x^3 - 33x^2 - 43x - 16, it may be challenging to find the zeros analytically. You may need to use numerical methods or a computer software to find the zeros and factor the polynomial completely.