If points S, O,and N are collinear, how many lines do they determine?

I'd say just one. They are collinear, meaning the lie on the same line.


If points S, O, and N are collinear, they lie on the same line. In geometry, any two distinct points on a line determine a unique line. Since we have three distinct points (S, O, and N) on the same line, they determine two lines: one line containing S, O, and N, and another line containing the same points in the reverse order (N, O, and S).

In order to determine the number of lines that can be formed by collinear points, let's first understand what collinear points mean. Collinear points are points that lie on the same line.

In this case, we have three collinear points: S, O, and N. Since they are all on the same line, they will determine only one unique line. Therefore, the answer is one line.

To understand this conceptually, imagine drawing a straight line through these three points. No matter how you position the points, they will always fall on the same line. So, there is only one possible line that can be formed by these points.