describe how managers when applying a leadership principles can contribute to a healthy organizational culture.. don't get it I have been trying to find infomation but can't figure it out

Creating a healthy organizational culture is a key responsibility of managers, as it directly impacts employee morale, engagement, and overall success of the organization. Here are a few ways managers can contribute to a healthy organizational culture:

1. Lead by Example: Managers must embody the desired values and behaviors they expect from their employees. They should demonstrate integrity, fairness, respect, and professionalism in their own actions, serving as role models for others to follow.

2. Communicate Effectively: Open and transparent communication is essential for building trust and creating a positive culture. Managers should provide clear expectations, objectives, and feedback. They should also encourage open dialogue, active listening, and empathy within the organization.

3. Foster Collaboration and Teamwork: Managers can encourage a culture of collaboration by promoting teamwork and cooperation among employees. This can be achieved by organizing cross-functional projects, creating opportunities for knowledge sharing, and recognizing and rewarding collective achievements.

4. Empower and Develop Employees: Managers should empower their teams by delegating authority and responsibility, allowing employees to make decisions and contribute their unique skills and perspectives. Additionally, managers should invest in employee development and growth, providing training, mentoring, and opportunities for advancement.

5. Promote Recognition and Appreciation: Recognizing and appreciating employees' efforts and achievements is crucial for boosting morale and creating a positive work environment. Managers can implement recognition programs, celebrate milestones, and publicly appreciate employees' contributions to foster a culture of appreciation and motivation.

To gather further information, you can refer to resources such as management textbooks, leadership articles, or academic journals. Additionally, you may want to explore case studies or real-life examples of successful managers who have contributed to healthy organizational cultures.