2. This cone bottom tank is the perfect solution for transporting chemicals such as pesticides around to various locations. The cone shape of this plastic tank equips it not only for easy draining of materials, but also provides an easy cleaning process.

a. What is the volume of chemical that can be stored in this tank?

b. Sometimes tanks need to be insulated to maintain the temperature of the solution. How much insulation would you need to cover the tank’s surface area (do not include the inlet and outlet pipe)?

c. By law, a berm needs to be built below the tank in case a leak or spill occurs. If the berm must hold 10% of the tank’s volume and has the floor dimensions of 2.5 m by 2.5 m, how high must the berm be (metres)?

a. To find the volume of chemical that can be stored in the tank, we first need to know the dimensions of the tank. Unfortunately, the given information does not provide the necessary measurements. Please provide the height and radius of the cone bottom tank in order to calculate its volume.

b. To find out how much insulation would be needed to cover the tank's surface area, we need to know the tank's dimensions as well as the required insulation thickness. Without this information, it is not possible to calculate the amount of insulation needed.

c. To calculate the height of the berm, we need to know the volume of the tank. Since the volume was not provided, we cannot determine the necessary berm height. Please provide the volume of the tank in order to answer this question.