what are the phases of all the reactants and products in the reaction 2Al + Fe2O3--->2Fe + Al2O3?

All are solids are they not?

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In the chemical equation 2Al + Fe2O3 ---> 2Fe + Al2O3, the reactants and products can exist in different phases. To determine the phases, you need to consider various factors such as the physical properties of the substances and the conditions under which the reaction takes place.

In this particular equation, the reactants are aluminum (Al) and iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). Both of these substances are solids at room temperature. Therefore, you can assume that the reactants are in the solid phase.

The products of the reaction are iron (Fe) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Iron is also a solid at room temperature, so you can conclude that Fe is in the solid phase. Aluminum oxide, on the other hand, exists in various forms depending on its crystalline structure. The most common form of aluminum oxide is a white crystalline solid called corundum. Hence, the product Al2O3 is also in the solid phase.

It's important to note that the phase of a substance can vary depending on conditions such as temperature and pressure. In the given equation, assuming typical room temperature and pressure, all the reactants and products exist in the solid phase.