How would I find the interest rate of a certain amount?

need more info. something about the amount, the payment, etc. is needed

P dollars equals to an interest rate r for T years= T=P+Prt. An investment of $10,000 grew to at least $12,000 in two years, what is the minimum interest rate at which can be invested ?

I'm not sure how to set this problem

To find the interest rate of a certain amount, you would need to gather some information and perform some calculations. Here are the steps you can take:

1. Gather the necessary information: You will need to know the initial amount of money (principal), the final amount (including any interest earned), and the time period over which the interest was earned.

2. Calculate the interest: The formula to calculate the interest earned is usually given by the formula: Interest = Principal x Interest Rate x Time. Rearranging this formula, you can calculate the interest rate as: Interest Rate = Interest / (Principal x Time).

3. Plug in the values: Substitute the values you know into the formula. For example, if you know the principal is $1,000, the final amount including interest is $1,200, and the time is 1 year, you can calculate the interest as: Interest = $1,200 - $1,000 = $200.

4. Calculate the interest rate: Using the formula from step 2, you can calculate the interest rate as: Interest Rate = $200 / ($1,000 x 1) = 0.2 or 20%.

Therefore, the interest rate for the given amount would be 20%.

Note: It is important to ensure all units are consistent. For example, if the time is in years, the interest rate will also be annual. If the interest is earned over a different time period (e.g., monthly or quarterly), you will need to adjust the formula accordingly.