Round to the nearest hundred to estimate the sum. 76 + 487 =

What are the nearest hundreds for these two numbers?

100 + 500 = 600 is this correct

Yes, it's correct. :-)

What is 76+487 rounded to the nearest hundred

To estimate the sum of 76 + 487 by rounding to the nearest hundred, you need to round each number individually to the nearest hundred and then sum them up.

Step 1: Round 76 to the nearest hundred
To round 76 to the nearest hundred, look at the tens digit. Since it is less than 5 (6), you round down. Therefore, 76 rounded to the nearest hundred is 0.

Step 2: Round 487 to the nearest hundred
To round 487 to the nearest hundred, look at the tens digit. Since it is 8 (greater than 5), you round up. Therefore, 487 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.

Step 3: Sum the rounded numbers
Now that you have rounded 76 to 0 and 487 to 500, you can calculate the estimated sum by adding them together. 0 + 500 = 500.

So, the estimated sum of 76 + 487 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500.