Answer the following BODIE ISLAND INFO:

When it was built?

How tall is it?

Where is it positioned?

Who owns it?

How much did it cost to have it built?

Has the location changed?

What does it look like?

What is its history?


PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These sites have a lot of information about Bodie Island and its lighthouse.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=fb5ec3468c7aacb1&biw=853&bih=544

To find information about Bodie Island, you can start by doing an online search or visiting reliable sources such as government websites, historical archives, and tourism websites. Here's how you can find answers to your specific questions:

1. When it was built?
You can search for the history of Bodie Island Lighthouse to learn more about its construction. Look for sources that provide the historical timeline of the lighthouse or information about its establishment.

2. How tall is it?
The height of the lighthouse can typically be found in its architectural specifications. Look for sources that provide this information, such as official websites dedicated to the lighthouse or tourist information sites.

3. Where is it positioned?
You can find the location of Bodie Island by searching for its geographic coordinates or its address. Websites like official coastal management organization sites or tourist information websites usually provide these details.

4. Who owns it?
The ownership of Bodie Island Lighthouse can often be determined by identifying the responsible authority or organization. Look for sources that mention the managing entity or the government agency in charge of the lighthouse's maintenance and operations.

5. How much did it cost to have it built?
The cost of construction of Bodie Island Lighthouse might be mentioned in historical records, archives, or articles about its establishment. You can search for news articles or historical documents to find this information.

6. Has the location changed?
Changes in location can be identified by researching the historical movement or relocation of the lighthouse. Check out historical records, news articles, or books that discuss the history of Bodie Island Lighthouse to find any mention of relocations or changes in location.

7. What does it look like?
Visual descriptions and images of Bodie Island Lighthouse can be found on various platforms. Look for official websites dedicated to the lighthouse, tourism websites, or image search engines to find pictures and descriptions.

8. What is its history?
To learn about the history of Bodie Island Lighthouse, search for sources that provide historical accounts, articles, or books about it. Look for official historical information, archived documents, or visitor center resources that discuss the lighthouse's past.

Remember to verify the information you find from multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and cross-reference any conflicting details.