if you were a boss what information would you supply to job seeker during informational interview with you?

As a boss during an informational interview, there are several key types of information I would supply to a job seeker. Here are some important points to cover:

1. Company Overview: Begin by providing a brief overview of the company, including its mission, values, and culture. Paint a clear picture of what the organization is all about.

2. Job Role: Explain the specific responsibilities and objectives of the job role the job seeker is interested in. Discuss the key skills, qualities, and qualifications required to excel in that role.

3. Company Structure: Provide an understanding of the company's organizational structure, including the reporting lines and any potential team members the job seeker might work with.

4. Career Growth Opportunities: Discuss the potential for career growth within the organization. This includes opportunities for promotion, skill development, and additional responsibilities.

5. Work Environment: Describe the work environment, including the office setup, work hours, flexibility, and any unique aspects of the office culture.

6. Performance Expectations: Clearly communicate the performance expectations for the role, including any key performance indicators (KPIs), goals, and metrics that will be used to evaluate success.

7. Compensation and Benefits: Share information about the compensation package, which may include salary, benefits, bonuses, and any additional perks or incentives.

8. Training and Development: Discuss the training and development opportunities available within the company, including any formal training programs, workshops, or mentoring initiatives.

9. Company Values and Ethics: Explain the company's values and ethical standards. Highlight how these values align with the applicant's personal values, as it can help to foster a sense of purpose and alignment.

10. Ask for Questions: Finally, provide an opportunity for the job seeker to ask any additional questions they may have about the role, the company, or any other relevant topics.

Remember, an informational interview is a chance for both the job seeker and the employer to learn more about each other. Open and honest communication is vital to ensuring a mutual understanding of expectations and goals.