The expression 9a + 6s is theh cost for a adults and s students to see a musical performance.

That is not a question. It is a formula that tells you how to compute ticket receipts if student tickets are $6 and adult tickets are $9.

27 + 30 = 57

To find the cost for a adults and s students to see a musical performance, you can multiply the number of adults (a) by the cost per adult and multiply the number of students (s) by the cost per student, and then add these two products together.

In this case, the cost per adult is 9 and the cost per student is 6. So the expression 9a represents the cost for a adults and 6s represents the cost for s students.

To simplify this expression, you can distribute the coefficients (9 and 6) to the variables (a and s) and then add the terms together. The simplified expression would be 9a + 6s, which represents the total cost for a adults and s students to see the musical performance.