You have just graduated from college and landed your first big job. You have always dreamed of being a homeowner, and after carefully shopping for your dream home, you find one that you would like to purchase at a cost of $250,000. After researching banks to find the best interest rate, you find that Banks for Homeowners offers the best rate of 6% interest that compounds monthly for 30 years.

•What is the monthly payment for this loan?
•What is the unpaid balance of the loan at the end of 5 years?
•What is the unpaid balance at the end of the 10th year?

There is a formula for this but I can't remember it. It is easier to use an amortization table such as the one at

Using it, I got a monthly payment of $1498.88

After 5 years, the unpaid balance is $232,300.20

After 10 years, the unpaid balance is $209,214.31

The formula to use can be found at

To calculate the monthly payment for a loan, you can use the formula for an amortizing loan, which takes into account the loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. The formula is:

Monthly Payment = (Loan Amount * Monthly Interest Rate) / (1 - (1 + Monthly Interest Rate) ^ (-Number of Months))

First, let's calculate the monthly interest rate. Since the interest rate is given as an annual rate, we need to convert it to a monthly rate. We divide the annual interest rate by 12 (number of months in a year) and then convert it to a decimal:

Monthly Interest Rate = 6% / 12 = 0.06 / 12 = 0.005

Now, let's calculate the number of months in the loan term:

Number of Months = 30 years * 12 months/year = 360 months

Using these values, we can calculate the monthly payment:

Monthly Payment = (250,000 * 0.005) / (1 - (1 + 0.005) ^ (-360))

After performing the calculations, the monthly payment for this loan is approximately $1,498.88.

To find the unpaid balance of the loan at the end of a certain period, we can use the amortization formula again. However, since we only need to find the unpaid balance, we will need to deduct the portion of principal already paid.

To calculate the remaining balance at the end of 5 years (60 months), we need to calculate the total number of payments made and the remaining number of payments:

Total Number of Payments = 360 months
Remaining Number of Payments = 360 months - 60 months = 300 months

Now, we can calculate the remaining balance:

Remaining Balance at the End of 5 years = Loan Amount * (1 + Monthly Interest Rate) ^ Remaining Number of Payments - (Monthly Payment * ((1 + Monthly Interest Rate) ^ Remaining Number of Payments - 1) / Monthly Interest Rate)

Remaining Balance at the End of 5 years = 250,000 * (1 + 0.005) ^ 300 - (1,498.88 * ((1 + 0.005) ^ 300 - 1) / 0.005)

After performing the calculations, the unpaid balance at the end of 5 years is approximately $216,589.69.

To find the unpaid balance at the end of the 10th year (120 months), we repeat the same calculation with the updated remaining number of payments:

Remaining Number of Payments = 360 months - 120 months = 240 months

Remaining Balance at the End of 10th year = Loan Amount * (1 + Monthly Interest Rate) ^ Remaining Number of Payments - (Monthly Payment * ((1 + Monthly Interest Rate) ^ Remaining Number of Payments - 1) / Monthly Interest Rate)

Remaining Balance at the End of 10th year = 250,000 * (1 + 0.005) ^ 240 - (1,498.88 * ((1 + 0.005) ^ 240 - 1) / 0.005)

After performing the calculations, the unpaid balance at the end of the 10th year is approximately $180,537.49.

Therefore, the monthly payment for the loan is $1,498.88, the unpaid balance at the end of 5 years is $216,589.69, and the unpaid balance at the end of the 10th year is $180,537.49.