In a clinical trial of the drug Viagra, 117 patients reported headaches and 617 did not. What is the probability that a patient taking the drug will NOT experience headache symptoms?

617/(617+117) = .840599 or 84.1%

To determine the probability that a patient taking the drug Viagra will not experience headache symptoms, we need to calculate the ratio of patients without headaches to the total number of patients.

In this case, 617 patients did not experience headaches out of a total of 117 + 617 = 734 patients.

Therefore, the probability of a patient not experiencing headache symptoms when taking Viagra is given by:

Probability = Number of patients without headaches / Total number of patients

Probability = 617 / 734

To find the probability, divide 617 by 734:

Probability = 0.8417 or 84.17%

Thus, there is an 84.17% chance that a patient taking the drug Viagra will not experience headache symptoms.