8. Which of the following statements is true of joint physical custody?

A. Joint physical custody isn't legal in most states.
B. Joint physical custody is usually difficult for young children.
C. Joint physical custody is usually preferred by the court.
D. Joint physical custody is used only minimally.
Is D a correct answer.

I think you're right.

To determine which statement is true of joint physical custody, we need to evaluate each option provided.

Option A states that joint physical custody isn't legal in most states. To verify this, you would need to research the legal requirements and regulations regarding joint physical custody in each state. This could involve consulting state laws, legal resources, or seeking professional advice.

Option B suggests that joint physical custody is usually difficult for young children. This claim would require research on child development, psychology, and studies on the effects of joint physical custody on young children. Experts in these fields could provide insights on the impact of joint physical custody on children of different age groups.

Option C states that joint physical custody is usually preferred by the court. To determine the preference of the court, you would need to research local laws, court decisions, and legal precedents in your jurisdiction. Looking into legal resources or consulting a family law attorney may be helpful in understanding the court's position on joint physical custody.

Option D claims that joint physical custody is used only minimally. This statement is not supported by explanation or evidence, and therefore cannot be considered a correct answer.

Based on the information provided, option D is not a correct answer as it lacks supporting evidence or reasoning. To determine the true statement, further research or legal consultation is necessary.